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Jenny Thamer - Member of the Month

The Fitness Edge has some amazing members that come and transform themselves through fitness everyday. We want to celebrate these dedicated GitFitters, Athletes and Training Clients by featuring one special member each month, and our first honoree is Jenny Thamer - GitFitter Extraordinaire, a Fitness Edge member for over 3.5 year!!

1) What inspired you to improve your fitness and join a facility like The Fitness Edge (FE)? I joined after my first kiddo was born. I wanted to feel better post-baby than I did pre-pregnancy. In the first 10 or so months, I lost 35 lbs and 10% of my body fat working with Scott. (Thank you, Scott!) Now after the 2nd kid, I’m at it again! It’ll take a few months to get there, but I know having more energy is on the other side. 2) What is your biggest challenge when it comes to staying consistent with both your nutrition and fitness? I have a crazy schedule working and taking care of the kids. Sometimes I’m too busy to eat. I pay for that later. I try hard to workout consistently – mostly because it’s fun and I like hitting my goals.

3) What is your favorite exercise and why? I like pull ups. I feel a big sense of accomplishment when I can do multiple pull ups without swinging my legs. That said, it’s been awhile. I’m working on negatives right now so I can get back just one pull up. I think if I did a muscle up, I’d mic drop and go home. That’s the ultimate goal.

4) What do you do mentally to stay focused and meet your health goals? I set goals – small and big ones. Besides that pull up, I have a small goal to do 20 push-ups in a row. I had another goal of winning at tug-o-war, but yeah, we rocked that one today. Big goals: really race in a tri (not just go through the motions)… and of course lose the baby weight. 5) What do you enjoy most about FE? I love the FE community. You guys inspire me. It’s so much more fun to work out with your friends than go at it alone. Thanks to everyone for challenging me every day to work harder.

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